
I Bet You Can't Do 100 Pushups....

Whoa! I haven't been here in awhile. It's time to pick up the thread and start sewing again.

So much time has passed I'm sure I have things to write about.
I'll start here. Three weeks ago I was introduced to this http://www.hundredpushups.com This is a six week program that will help you prove me wrong.(refer to title)

Currently, I just finished week three and fell just short of meeting the required max on the last set of the last day. So, I'm going to repeat week three just to solidify my preparation for meeting the 100 consecutive mark.

If you're interested here's my progression so far...
1st max out test: 34
2nd max out test: 40
3rd max out test: To be performed at the end of week 4

This site is good for anybody at any level, so unless you're just not into being built like a Greek God, check it out.


Tonya said...

I don't see a link-
is there one for sit-ups, too?

Riding with dogs said...

sounds cool I'll try it. I've been incorporating push ups in my weekly work out but this should be a fun goal to shoot for

lisa said...

I bet your right :)