So, I have a little boy. After having a little girl I thought there is no way a little boy could be as sweet as a little girl, well little did I know. I have been completely taken back.
Eli Walker Teilhet, he is my little cuddle bug, so snugly and lovable. I told my sister the other day that he has a million dollar smile.
My son will be 6 months soon and I am right now trying to embrace every minute that I have with him because I am beginning to see that it does fly by.
So, I am trying to enjoy the every 3 hour feedings, the spitting up, the coos, the smiling at you for no reason at all, the giggles, the sound of him breathing when rocking him to sleep, watching him just adore and admire his big sister. All these things I don't want to miss or take for granted . So, I am just sitting back and smelling the baby for now.
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